Wellington Women’s House is a safe and comfortable home for women on low incomes or in transition.

Wellington Women’s House is a non-religious, women-centred organisation. It's suitable for women who are on their own and who can live fairly independently. We don't have children or couples living in the House.
The House is in Mount Victoria, close to the city centre. It’s a large old villa, with a sun-soaked front garden and a warm, welcoming feeling inside. There’s a shared lounge to gather and talk or watch TV in, a sitting room where residents can access a computer (and wifi), and a fantastic kitchen where the women can cook alongside each other.
We have 16 rooms at the house, and most women stay between 3 and 6 months — we don't provide short-term stay options. Our residents come from a wide range of backgrounds, and may include women:
- newly arrived in Wellington
- who need the company of others
- in transition between homes
- who have left a harmful or unsafe environment.
Residents only need to provide their own food and personal items during their stay, and the House provides the rest.
Our vision is that every woman in Wellington has a safe and comfortable home that enables her to meet her needs.

How we started
In 1987, women working in the city’s social agencies could see that there was no low-cost accommodation for single women in Wellington. A group was formed to solve the problem, and in 1989 the Housing Corporation bought and renovated the house with the intention of providing accommodation to women who were in transition, or on a low income.
Wellington Women’s House was opened in 1992 by the Governor-General at the time, Dame Catherine Tizard. All its furnishings, equipment, and even topsoil for the garden was provided by volunteers.
The House exists due to our ongoing partnership with Housing New Zealand, now Kāinga Ora. Their Community Group Housing scheme provides us with a reduced rental rate, while also contributing to the House’s upkeep.

Our team
We have a small, dedicated team of staff who help ensure everything at the House runs smoothly. They provide support and advocacy to our residents, helping them access services and entitlements, and prepare for a move into their own affordable, permanent housing. Our team includes:
- a Manager
- a qualified Social Worker
- a Coordinator
- a cleaner.
The House is managed by the Wellington Women’s House Incorporated Society. Our Management Committee, made up of a small group of volunteers, provides governance and support.
Our supporters
We depend on the generosity of the volunteers, donors and organisations who support the House. They give us their time and energy, as well as financial support and donated goods, to help us provide a safe home to women in need.