Safe Place
A safe place to stay
We offer a safe haven for women to help them get back on their feet.
How we help
How we help
We support women into affordable, permanent accommodation.
Inclusive caring
Inclusive caring
The House is a non-religious and woman-centred organisation.
Women transitioning

About us

The Wellington Women's House

For 30 years, the Wellington Women’s House has been home to women who need a safe place to stay, often at a difficult time in their lives. We provide low-cost, temporary housing to help women get back on their feet and ready to take the next steps in life. Our vision is that every woman in Wellington has a safe and comfortable home that enables her to meet her needs.

Find out more

Our supporters

Without the generosity and support of our donors and supporting organisations, we wouldn't be able to provide this service to women. Thank you all so much for your time, energy and ongoing support.